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Health Effects

Cell towers are harmful to humans and animals  -- causing neurological damage, cancer and other serious health problems -- and plants and trees

Want to learn the truth about the health effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation?

The cell tower companies TELL THEIR EMPLOYEES that RF radiation is harmful during their safety training (through TIRAP). In fact, because of the danger, they tell their employees to make sure the RF emitters are lowered or turned off when working on cell towers. 

However, WHEN FAMILIES ASK if cell towers are safe, the cell tower companies say “Yes, they’re safe.” Not true. It’s important to note that FCC guidelines for RF radiation have NOT been updated since 1996, and the FCC continues to ignore thousands of research papers. If you want to learn the truth about the FCC standards, click here.
Henderson Cell Tower, AT&T, Lennar, Henderson, Nevada

The cell tower companies and government agencies will tell you that cell towers are safe. FALSE.

They have known about the dangers of EMF/RF radiation for decades. 

The cell tower companies and government agencies will tell you that cell towers are safe. FALSE.

They have known about the dangers of EMF/RF radiation for decades. 

Federal regulations protect the public only from the thermal (i.e., heating) risk due to short-term exposure to high intensity, cell tower radiation. The Federal regulations ignore the hundreds of studies that find harmful bio-effects from long-term exposure to non-thermal levels of radiation. 

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) guidelines for RF radiation have NOT been updated since 1996, and the FCC continues to ignore thousands of research papers. In fact, the FCC guidelines were already obsolete when adopted. Want to learn more about the outdated FCC guidelines?

As stated in the International Appeal against 5G signed by more than 300,000 scientists worldwide, the evidence that radiofrequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is overwhelming.

5G is NOT Safe:  11,000 Pages of Evidence Filed in Landmark 5G Case Against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Read the press release and download the documents here.

On August 13, 2021, a U.S. federal court found the FCC violated the Administrative Procedure Act and failed to respond to comments on environmental harm. The court ordered the FCC to explain why it ignored scientific evidence showing harm from wireless radiation.
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The evidence that radiofrequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is overwhelming.

There was no need for another cell tower in this area and especially not close to residential homes. Families are being bathed in radiation. This cell tower should be removed.
Evidence of harm is overwhelming
The evidence that radiofrequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is overwhelming

"The accumulated clinical evidence of sick and injured human beings, experimental evidence of damage to DNA, cells and organ systems in a wide variety of plants and animals, and epidemiological evidence that the major diseases of modern civilization—cancer, heart disease and diabetes—are in large part caused by electromagnetic pollution, forms a literature base of well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies."
International actions to halt and delay 5G
The growing awareness of the health impact of cell towers is resulting in action by policymakers worldwide to halt 5G projects.

More than 300,000 scientists, doctors, organizations and citizens from over 220 nations and territories have signed the International Appeal to Stop 5G. 

To refuse to accept and apply relevant and valid scientific knowledge is ethically unacceptable. Existing research shows that 5G contravenes principles enshrined in a host of international agreements.
Cell towers cause cancer
Researchers with the renowned Ramazzini Institute in Italy announce that a large-scale lifetime study of lab animals exposed to environmental levels of cell tower radiation developed cancer.

This study confirms an ever growing literature and provides a wake-up call to governments to enact protective policy to limit exposures to the public and to the private sector to make safe radiation-free technology available.

EMF and RF radiation can also interfere with pacemakers and other medical devices.
More than 70 years of science
In 1971, the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) issued a report regarding the health effects of RF radiation. That report included references to more than 2,300 reports that had already been published prior to 1971 and listed numerous health effects including disorders of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous system, changes in physiological function, blood, vascular and metabolic disorders, genetic and chromosomal changes and many more.

Seventy years of science, including thousands of studies showing clear evidence of harm, the human evidence and the evidence of fraud. The FCC guidelines consider only the thermal (heating) effects of RF radiation. As such, they were already obsolete when adopted.
BioInitiative Working Group
The report of the BioInitiative Working Group states that the range of possible health effects of cell towers includes childhood and adult leukemia, childhood and adult brain tumors, and increased risk of Alzheimer’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In addition, there are reports of increased risk of breast cancer in both men and women, genotoxic effects, pathological leakage of the blood–brain barrier, altered immune function including increased allergic and inflammatory responses, miscarriage, and some cardiovascular effects. Insomnia and effects on cognition, memory and learning, behavior, reaction time, attention and concentration, and altered brainwave activity (altered EEG) are also reported in the scientific literature.
Telecommunications Industry
In 2019, Congress questioned the telecommunications industry about 5G. They asked the telecommunications executives "whether they have supported research on the safety of 5G technology and potential links between radiofrequency and cancer, and the industry representatives conceded they have not.” 

A presentation by the Environmental Health Trust provides direct quotes from the cell tower company official reports that have been filed with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). They disclose in those reports they are at great risk for significant damages due to potential litigation and/or government investigations regarding the health effects of cell phones and cell towers.
Governments taking action
Here are a few examples of governments taking action against cell towers and 5G:

Bangladesh High Court bans installation of mobile or telecommunication towers on rooftops of residential areas, educational institutions, hospitals, jail premises, heritage sites, playgrounds & places of worship.

India ordered the removal of all cell towers from the vicinity of schools, colleges, hospitals and playgrounds because of radiation "hazardous to life." The court’s amazing 217-page decision reviews the worldwide evidence that cell towers are harming human beings and wildlife.

100 Italian Municipalities are officially stopping densified 4G/5G cell towers.

Geneva, Switzerland prohibits 5G. The prohibition will only be lifted again if independent scientific findings are available on the health effects of 5G.
Radiation harmful to wildlife
The U.S. Department of Interior sent a letter to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration in the Department of Commerce which stated that cell tower radiation has had negative impacts on the health of migratory birds and other wildlife. 

The Interior Department accused the federal government of employing outdated radiation standards set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) -- a federal agency with no expertise in health. The standards are no longer applicable because they control only for overheating and do not protect organisms from the adverse effects of exposure to the low-intensity radiation produced by cell phones and cell towers.

The Environmental Health Trust has compiled a list of research papers on the effects of EMF and RF radiation on animals and plants.
Radiation harmful to trees, birds and bees
Research on cell tower damage to trees revealed significant differences between the damaged side facing a phone mast and the opposite side, as well as differences between the exposed side of damaged trees and all other groups of trees in both sides. Damage afflicted on trees by mobile phone towers usually start on one side -- extending to the whole tree over time.

The U.S. Department of Interior letter refers to studies on the effects of cell towers on birds that have documented nest and site abandonment, plumage deterioration, locomotion problems, reduced survivorship, and death. 

Research has found that radiofrequency (RF) and electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation can alter bee behavior, induce biochemical changes and impact bee reproduction.

EMF and RF radiation can also interfere with the ability to navigate by birds, bees and butterflies.

Clearly, the Lennar Rose Ridge cell tower should NOT have been approved. If you would like to support our efforts to get this cell tower removed, please contact the parties involved and the elected officials (or hire an attorney to pursue action for fraud or other possible crimes that may have been committed).

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